Thursday, March 24, 2011

Finding Normal

Thus far we have been sharing with you our struggle as parents with Anna's Cystic Fibrosis and the rollercoaster it has been. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. The primary purpose of this blog is to remind everyone to continue to pray for Anna (and her family) and to keep eveyone updated on how she is doing. As a side note, if you are not accustomed to praying for someone, please check out this article and give it a whirl. If you are not sure how or what to pray for, give me a holler.

Wende and I feel strongly that Anna not be known as the "sick" child. She is a fun and particularly joyful little child. With the five children, our house is "high-energy"  and she is the cause of so much joy and delight in it. As I type this, Anna is sitting up in her bouncy seat talking to her 5 year old brother-- who is delicately listening to Anna's heart with his stethescope. He is reporting to me that her heart sounds good.

Here are some observations from Wende:
-Anna likes to do a full body stretch while I am changing her first diaper after getting
  her out of her bed in the morning. Her legs go straight out as far as they will go.

- Grandma Foht has declared that she has the “Foht smile”- because her upper lip
   disappears when she flashes you her cute little smile.

- We were told by the pediatrician to give her more “tummy time” to strengthen her
   upper body.

- She actually responds to “sshhh” when you are trying to sooth her.

- She attempts to hold her bottle and the nebulizer.

- She displayed some “stranger anxiety” when a friend came over for a visit.

- She had her first conversation on the phone with her dad.

- While on the diaper table she usually puts both feet straight up in the air.

- Everyday she soils one or two outfits that I end up scrubbing in my sink.

- Her eyes follow her mommy everywhere.

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