Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I didn't call the doctor. I waited. If I call the doctor they are going to throw her on an antibiotic. I struggle every time she coughs even a little bit. Back and forth I weigh what I should do. Am I putting her in the path of harm if I don't call immediately? Am I saving her little body from an unneeded medicine? How do I know?  Will I ever "get good" at this guessing game?

At any rate, she hasn't coughed for two days now. Perhaps this time things will turn out ok.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Anna, the daily life

My wrists keep cracking and popping. The right one aches. I wondered what was going on with my wrists...  Well, I asked my knowledgeable husband what he thought of the state of my wrists. He said that it was because we stopped doing manual therapy on Anna- after 16 months of daily pounding on my daughter, my muscles are essentially atrophying and growing weak. Wow.

Anna was on an antibiotic for a month. I am still not sure that she is completely well. I hear her cough maybe two or three times a day.  Is that enough to call the doctor? Is it just allergies? Clearing her throat? If I call the doctor will they put her on an antibiotic again?

I am always worried about her eating. Is she getting enough calories? How many enzymes do I give with a meal she isn't really eating? What kind of bowel movement was that last one? How do I get her to try new foods? Did I forget to chart that diaper?  Is she chewing on those enzyme beads? The doctor says you can't chew them or you can get sores in your mouth. Why won't she take the water I am offering her to wash them down? She is so picky about eating and sometimes so uninterested that I get the kids to cheer for her whenever she takes a bite.

Today during her morning therapy with "the vest" she actually got shaken right off the couch. I looked over and she was crying, standing on the floor with the vest still shaking her little body. She was not hurt but distressed to have been vibrated right off her seat.

Oi. I just heard her cough in her sleep. That is not good. My heart sinks. Perhaps I will have to call the doctor tomorrow after all...