Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's not over

It's not over.

After the doctor declared Anna's lungs clear during the appointment on Tuesday, I still had questions. Was it a virus? Could all of her coughing be from post-nasal drip? Probably, was the answer. Could be, was the other answer. We were told to check in with them on Friday to report how she was doing.

By Friday her nose had dried up somewhat, but her cough had gotten worse, especially at night. So, that is what I reported to the CF nurse. She called me back hours later with another antibiotic prescription- 14 days worth. But if it is a virus, why are we giving her another antibiotic? Well, says the nurse, she should have started getting better by now. Is the throat culture back from the lab? Not yet, was the answer. But, she continued, it might be that the staph that showed up on the January culture may be acting up. What staph? I don't have any recollection of staph being mentioned at all. Neither does Steve.

I am very confused and now also alarmed. What is going on inside my little girl's body? What is lurking in her airways? Are they sure they are looking at the right patient chart? Why didn't we wait to see what the throat culture showed? Wasn't the reason for getting the throat culture to better pick a medicine to fight the specific offender?  Could it be allergies? Why is she still coughing?

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