Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This morning Anna went to the lab for her annual blood draw. I started praying the moment I got up. I feel so badly that we have to put her through this. She has to fast, so as soon as she woke, the first thing I had to do was explain to her that she couldn't have her morning apple juice. I was not looking forward to that because she is a creature of habit and that apple juice is so important that she often insists on it before she will even go to the bathroom.

 Here is how it went:

Mom: Anna, you are going to the doctor today with Daddy. You can't have your apple juice until you get home but you can have some water.  (Brace self for melt-down.)
Anna: Ok.
Mom: Where are you going?
Anna: To get some water.

Later as I am getting her dressed:
Anna: I like to go to the doctor. If I eat a lot and take my enzymes, I will grow big.

Steve, who takes her because I do not want to watch them poke my baby, reported that she didn't even cry. When she came home she was most excited to show me her new "sticker" which was actually a Snoopy band-aid.

She has had three major colds since November. One of those she took antibiotics for, the other two we waited to see how she would handle, and she was able to conquer them on her own. Presently, she is in a good state of health. She is growing well, eating well most of the time, and generally a delightful child with an occasional 3 1/2 year old moment. She is active and compliant with her health routine so far, though I noticed hesitation to do her therapy in front of some of her sister's friends who had spent the night. She is quite offended if you use the word "little" in any way state or form in reference to her, because she is "BIG."
And don't you forget it.

And that is our Anna.