Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Anna update

When I don't write, you can assume that Anna is doing well. And she is, praise God. I am almost afraid to publish this for fear I will jinx our good-health run. All around us it seems that people are suffering from severe colds, ear aches, and the croup but we are holding steady in good health. We even seem to have gotten some of Anna's digestive track issues under control.  Yeah!

At her two-year check up with the pediatrician he joked with me saying,"Are you sure she has CF because she doesn't act like it." Her weight and height were in the 80th percentile and her lungs sound great. In fact, she is so big that some of the cute 2T clothes I pulled out don't fit her, especially the dresses, they are too short!

Recently she fussed a bit when we told her it was time for therapy. I was concerned, hoping that the day would not come when doing therapy would become an issue for her. Then I realized that we were asking her to do therapy soon after she had woken up in the morning when she had just begun to play with her siblings. I wouldn't want to stop and sit on the couch either if I were her. We are trying to wake her up earlier so she has more time to play and move around before we ask her to sit for therapy. I have a really hard time waking a sleeping child however. We do therapy early because it is better for the her but also because we have to get it in before school starts- it is just too distracting to the others. 

On the other hand, she is asking for her enzymes, almost reminding me to give them to her, as I usually wait until half way through a meal when I have determined she is actually going to eat something. She is also trying some new foods! She tried guacamole today for the first time. Wow.
She is still a huge fan of Ensure which she calls "la milk" which stands for "vanilla milk". She chugs it and asks for more every time. That stuff is good!