Anna turned two years old yesterday. I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude that she made it through this last year without a major sickness or hospital stay. I prayed for another year of such blessing. I found myself overwhelmed with love for her, so much so that tears welled up in my eyes throughout the day, as I thought of the joy she has brought to our home...
She was totally into her birthday which was fun. When I first told her it was her birthday she yelled, "Cake!" Unfortunatly that was at 6am and I felt bad that she had to wait about 12 hours to finally get some. She marveled at her balloons all day, pointing and saying, "Elmo birthday balloon!" She unwrapped her own presents and conducted her "Happy Birthday" song. The turn out for her party was light, but I figure that will probably be common throughout her years as those that are sick do not attend...
Speaking of which, she overcame her cough that she was experiencing a few weeks ago. It finally went away on its own. Praise God.