The throat culture did not come back as I had hoped. It showed that Anna had a slightly elevated amount of the same staph that had been detected in her throat culture in January. The nurse explained that the April throat culture either didn't pick it up (apparently throat cultures are not an exact science) or that it is a new crop of staph. What was surprising though is that the doctor did not recommend putting her on an antibiotic at this time. He said that since she is not showing any signs of coughing or breathing issues that we could just keep an eye on her and let them know if she developed any symptoms. I appreciate his willingness to see if her body can deal with it on its own and not to medicate her unnecessarily.
On another note, her weight gain was fine, even slightly above her normal curve on the chart. Apparently she can survive on dairy and carbs alone. Although her future good health will depend on things like a balanced diet. (I just learned about a CF recipe web site.) We will keep offering the food and hoping she will eat it...someday.