It is hard to believe, but Anna is 9 months old already. She really likes being outside and can sit up and play by herself for long periods. She has two therapy sessions a day and we strive to get as many calories in her as possible. She is still nursing, supplemented with formula and extra salt. She is eating solid foods augemented with extra fat (usually vegetable oil or butter) and takes CF specific vitamins and an ever-increasing amount of digestive enzymes. Anna is doing her job-- she is thriving. Her visit with our CF team a couple weeks ago went well and they are pleased with her progress. Thank you for the prayers and support. Please keep it going.
Anna with her (almost) 3 year old brother Luke who likes to keep her company and, yes, he really DOES need the life vest when sitting in 4 inches of water. |
At the Fourth of July Parade with Mommy